Hyundai Ioniq 2020 update

Hyundai IONIQ 2019

Hyundai has just upgraded its eco-friendly Ioniq sedan.  You still have the options of a hybrid, plug-in hybrid or full electric but David Brown notes the upgrade has produced a few good improvements.

It was less than 12 months ago that Hyundai launched the first model of their Ioniq five-door eco-friendly fastback sedan onto the Australian market, and now ten or so months later, they’ve upgraded it.

There’s a bit of cosmetics changes on the outside, a new interior, particularly with a bigger infotainment screen. And the full electric model has some more battery power, which extends its range by a third to 311 km.

There’s an advance water-cooling system for the battery, which enhances the speed and the number of times you can recharge the batteries.

But the price has increased and now ranges from just under $35,000 to $52,500 plus on road costs.

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About David Brown 603 Articles
David’s boyhood passion for motor cars did not immediately lead to a professional role in the motor industry. A qualified Civil Engineer he specialised in traffic engineering and transport planning. What followed were various positions including being seconded to a government think-tank for the planning of transport firstly in Sydney and then for the whole of NSW. After working with the NRMA and as a consultant he moved to being an independent writer and commentator on the broader areas of transport and the more specific areas of the cars we drive. His half hour motoring program “Overdrive” has been described as an “informed, humorous and irreverent look at motoring and transport from Australia and overseas”. It is heard on 22 stations across Australia. He does weekly interviews with several ABC radio stations and is also heard on commercial radio in Sydney. David has written for metropolitan and regional newspapers and has presented regular segments on metropolitan and regional television stations. David is also a contributor for AnyAuto