8 Tips on What to Look for When Choosing a Car

Buying a car is a big decision. There are so many factors to consider, from make and model to price and features. This is why it’s important to do your research and take your time when choosing a car. Here are eight tips to help you with just that. 

Isuzu D-MAX LS-U Plus front

Does It Fit Your Needs?

The first step is to think about your needs. What kind of driving do you do? How many people do you need to transport? What kind of features are you looking for?

For instance, if you have a family, you’ll need a car that has plenty of space. If you do a lot of city driving, you might want to consider a smaller car that’s easy to manoeuvre and park. Or if you handle cargo or do a lot of off-roading, you’ll need a car with more power and capability.

What Will It Cost? (Including Insurance Expense)

Not only do you need to think about the purchase price of the car, but also the cost of ownership. For example, insurance rates can vary widely depending on the make and model of the car. To get yourself a quote for the car you’re interested in, click here.

On a similar note, some cars require more expensive maintenance and repairs than others. Do your research to find out what kind of costs you can expect down the road and don’t forget to factor in these additional costs in your budget.

What’s the Fuel Economy?

Fuel costs can add up quickly, so it’s important to choose a car with good fuel economy. 

The EPA provides estimates of fuel economy for most cars on the market. But make sure to take into account your typical driving habits when considering fuel economy. For example, if you do a lot of stop-and-go city driving, you won’t get the same fuel economy as someone who does mostly highway driving.

What Are the Safety Ratings?

Safety is always a top priority when choosing a car. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) and the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) both provide safety ratings for cars. These ratings can help you compare the safety of different models.

In addition to the safety rating, you can also check what safety features the car offers. Some of the latest safety features these days include:

  • Automatic braking
  • Lane departure warning
  • Adaptive cruise control
  • Blind spot monitoring

Is It Available for Leasing?

One of the benefits of leasing is that it can be more affordable than buying a car outright. When you lease a car, you pay only for the portion of the car’s value that you use during the term of the lease. This can make leasing a more attractive option for some people.

Here are some of the pros and cons of leasing:


  • More affordable monthly payments
  • Lower repair and maintenance costs since you’re only responsible for repairs during the lease term
  • The option to drive a new car every few years


  • You don’t own the car at the end of the lease so you don’t have the option to sell it
  • You may have to pay a penalty if you go over the agreed upon mileage limit
  • You may have to pay for any damage to the car above normal wear and tear

Is It New or Used?

New cars have the latest safety features, better fuel economy, and often come with warranty protection. On the other hand, used cars are typically more affordable.

If you’re considering a used car, be sure to have it inspected by a qualified mechanic before making a purchase. This will help you identify any potential problems that could arise down the road.

Who’s the Manufacturer? 

The manufacturer is important to consider for a few different reasons. First, some manufacturers are known for making reliable cars that last for many years. Others have a reputation for making cars that are more prone to problems.

Second, the manufacturer’s warranty can vary widely. For example, some manufacturers offer bumper-to-bumper coverage for only a few years while others offer much longer coverage. Be sure to read the fine print carefully before making a purchase.

Third, some manufacturers offer incentives that can save you money. For example, they may offer cash back rebates or low-interest financing. These incentives can be helpful when it comes time to negotiate a price for the car.

What’s the Resale Value?

The resale value is important to consider if you plan on selling the car down the road. Some cars hold their value better than others. In general, luxury cars and trucks tend to have a higher resale value than economy cars.

You can check the resale value of a particular car by looking it up in the second-hand car market or a valuation company like Kelly Blue Book. This will give you an idea of how much the car is worth and how much you can expect to get for it if you sell it down the road.

These are just a few things you should keep in mind when choosing a car. By taking the time to do your research, you’ll be better prepared to make a decision that’s right for you. 

Good luck!